ABM Security & Monitoring’s Key Holding and Alarm Response Service is unrivalled in every way.
For your peace of mind, use our dedicated key holding and commercial alarm response service. Out of hours alarms are not only inconvenient, but also potentially dangerous – so let us take away the worry and risk.
When an alarm is activated at a customer’s premises – whether it is an intruder alarm, fire alarm or plant equipment, one of our alarm response officers responds and acts according to predetermined instructions at the location. This usually involves checking the exterior and interior of the customer’s building or facility.
With alarm activations, time really is money. Many people are unaware that the Fire Brigade often charge if they are called out and unable to enter the premises if a key holder takes in excess of 30 minutes to arrive. ABM Security & Monitoring offer a Guaranteed 15-minute response time to the Doncaster area. Please call our friendly staff for a time quotation on the other areas we serve.